Shipping policy


Shipping To Over 200 Countries

We are proud to offer international shipping services. However, there are some locations we are unable to ship to. If you happen to be from one of those countries, we will contact you.


Shipment Processing Time

All orders are processed within 2-4 business days. Orders are not shipped or delivered on weekends or holidays.


If we are experiencing a high volume of orders, shipments may be delayed by a few days. Please allow additional days in transit for delivery. If there is a significant delay in the shipment of your order, we will contact you via email or telephone.


Shipping Delivery Estimates

We try our best to ship items as fast as we can. Please allow two days of production time for your order to ship out; average shipping times are 10-25 days.


Average Shipping Time

United States

7-20 Business days

Canada, Europe

7-20 Business days

Australia, New Zealand

10-25 Business days

Central & South America

10-25 Business days


15-30 Business days


15-30 Business days


Delivery delays can occasionally occur.


Lost/Missing Packages

If you have miss-spelled or auto-filled in an incorrect address, simply reply to your order confirmation email and confirm. Once you double-check if the address given is wrong, kindly notify us via email at

. If the given address is wrong, we can change the address to the correct one within 24 hours. No refund will be given after 24 hours of incorrect submission. 

Max delivery time – 45 business days.


Tracking Information

You will receive your tracking number via email once your order has been shipped (it might take 1-2 days). Then you will be able to track your order from the surenastore order tracking page.


My Tracking Says, "No Information Available At The Moment"

For some shipping companies, it takes 2-5 business days for the tracking information to update on the system. Please contact us if your order was placed more than five business days ago and there is still no information on your tracking number.


Will My Items Be Sent In One Package?

As our warehouses are located in different places, items in the same purchase will sometimes be sent in separate packages, even if you’ve specified combined shipping.


Can I Cancel My Order?

All orders can be cancelled until they are shipped. If your order has been paid and you need to change or cancel it, you must contact us within 24 hours. Once the packaging and shipping process has started, it can no longer be cancelled.

If you have any other questions, please contact us, and we will do our best to help you out.


Damages and Issues

Please inspect your order upon reception and contact us immediately if the item is defective or damaged or if you received the wrong item so we can evaluate the issue and make it right.